Money Concepts Asset Management Limited 
移民 Immigration

香港移民Hong Kong Admission Scheme





1.      採用配額制度


2. 不設僱主擔保要求


3. 採用計分制度,可使用綜合計分制”或“成就計分制”


4. 申請人可帶同配偶及 18 歲以下未婚及受養的子女來港居住


5. 計劃不適用於阿富汗、柬埔寨、古巴、寮國、朝鮮(民主人民共和國)、尼泊爾和越南國民。



1.      年齡為18歲以上


2.      擁有學士學位以上學歷`


3.      良好的中文(普通話或粵語)或英文能力


4.      個人20萬人民幣以上的資產證明,或家庭40萬人民幣以上的資產證明,資產證明主要分為銀行存款、房地產、證券及私營業務權益肆個主要類別。


5.      無犯罪記錄


6.      綜合計分制 :基本要求80分, 總分為195
















Quality Migrant Admission Scheme

The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS) is a quota-based entrant scheme which was implemented on June 28, 2006 seeks to attract highly skilled or talented persons to settle in Hong Kong in order to enhance Hong Kong's economic competitiveness. Since 2020, the quota of the scheme has been doubled to 2,000 people per year. The scheme does not have restrictions on the industry, and qualified applications will be assessed by the selection committee. The assessment mechanism of the scheme is divided into two Points-based test methods: "General Points Test" or "Achievement-base Points Test". There are six point-scoring factors under the General Points Test and one point-scoring factor under the Achievement-based Points Test.


Features of QMAS

1.      Quota-based


2.      No employer sponsorship requirement


3.      Selection by point based tests – General Points Test or Achievement-based Points Test.


4.      Successful applicant can bring along his spouse and unmarried and dependent children under the age of 18 to live in Hong Kong


5.      Foreign nationals except nationals of Afghanistan, Albania, Cambodia, Cuba, Laos, Korea, Nepal and Vietnam are eligible to apply for the Scheme.


QMAS: Eligibility Criteria

1.      The applicant must be 18 years of age or above at the time of making the application


2.      The applicant must not have any criminal record


3.      The applicant must be proficient (i.e. both written and spoken) either in Chinese (Putonghua or Cantonese) or English


4.      The applicant must be able to demonstrate that he/she is capable of supporting and accommodating himself/herself and his/her dependants on he/she owns financial resources without relying on public assistance in Hong Kong


5.      The applicant must possess a good educational background. Normally it is preferable to possess an undergraduate degree from a recognised university or a tertiary educational institution.


Application Process

Evaluation on the application

MCHK assesses the successful rate for your on application

Submit the forms and required documents

MCHK prepares the forms and required documents, submit them to the Immigration Department

Receive the file number

After submitting the application form and all documents, it will take about 1-2 months to receive the file number issued by the Immigration Department.

Get the original letter of approval

After obtaining the file number, you will be notified of the application in about 9-12 months, and the original approval letter will be obtained if the application is approved.


After obtaining the original letter of approval, the applicant will complete the interview in Hong Kong within 90 days, and the visa and the letter of approval will be obtained on the spot after the interview.

Apply for a Stay VISA

Mainland applicants are required to apply for a stay visa to stay in Hong Kong.






1.      門檻較低,獲批成功率高


2. 沒有行業限制


3. 需要先獲得公司聘用


4. 申請人可帶同配偶及 18 歲以下未婚及受養的子女來港居住




1.      年齡為18歲以上


2.      具備良好的教育背景、技術資格、經證明的專業能力及/或備有文件證明的有關經驗和成就,亦可接受


3.      提交申請前已確實獲得公司聘用,而從事的工作須與其學曆或工作經驗有關,且未能找到本地人擔任


4.      薪酬福利(包括入息、住屋、醫療和其他附帶福利)須與當時本港人力市場的薪酬福利大致相同;


5.      無犯罪記錄




















Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals

Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP) was implemented on July 15, 2003 for purpose to attract professional talents from the mainland to work in Hong Kong to meet the needs of Hong Kong employers. The talents from the Mainland must possess special skills, knowledge or experience that the HKSAR needs but lack, and can contribute to the daily operation of local enterprises in Hong Kong and related industries, so as to promote the economic development of Hong Kong. The most popular industries in the application of the professional program are arts/culture, financial services, academic research and education, business and trade, engineering and construction, information technology, and legal services.


Features of ASMTP

1.      High approval success rate


2.      No restrictions on industry.


3.      Need to be hired by the company first


4.      The applicant can bring his spouse and unmarried and dependent children under the age of 18 to live in Hong Kong


ASMTP: Eligibility Criteria

1.      The applicant is 18 years of age or above at the time of making the application


2.      The applicant has no criminal record


3.      The applicant holds a bachelor’s degree or above, or possesses relevant technical qualifications, professional expertise, working experience and achievements


4.      There is a genuine job vacancy


5.      The applicant has a confirmed offer of employment and is employed in a job relevant to his academic qualifications or experience that cannot be readily taken up by the local work force


6.      The remuneration package is broadly commensurate with the prevailing market level for professionals in Hong Kong


Application Process

Evaluation on the application

MCHK assesses the successful rate for your on application

Get hired

Get hired by Hong Kong employer

Submit the forms and required documents

MCHK prepares the forms and required documents, submit them to the Immigration Department

Receive the file number

After submitting the application form and all documents, it will take about 1-2 months to receive the file number issued by the Immigration Department.

Submit supplementary documents

If supplementary documents are required, the Immigration Department will send notification and we will submit supplementary documents on request.

Get approval

Get approval to enjoy the right of abode in Hong Kong.

Apply for a Stay VISA

Mainland applicants are required to apply for a stay visa to stay in Hong Kong.




聖基茨和尼維斯聯邦,其憲法裏又稱之爲“聖克裏斯多夫和尼維斯聯邦”,自1983年起獨立,構成Lesser Antilles群島部分,距離邁阿密東南方2000公裏。聯邦由兩部分島嶼組成:分別為面積為93.2平方米的尼維斯和168.4平方米的聖基茨。官方及商務語言為英語。聯邦為聯合國成員、美洲國家組織成員、英聯邦成員及其他國際性組織成員。東加勒比中央銀行的總部設於聖基茨。它維持著東加勒比幣的穩定性;東加勒比幣與美元掛鈎,為大部分東加勒比國家的通用貨幣。聖基茨和尼維斯聯邦的國家元首為英國女王,屬於以英國議會為基礎運作良好的民主制國家。















  • 單身申請者;
  • 同時攜帶不多於3名家庭成員的申請者(配偶和兩個未滿18歲的子女);
  • 同時攜帶不多於5名家庭成員的申請者(配偶和肆個未滿18歲的子女);
  • 同時攜帶多於7名家庭成員的申請者。





  • 相片及簽名樣式證明書(C2表格);
  • 體檢證明(C3表格),其中包括HIV測試結果(每位申請者均需經過HIV測試,包括小孩)。HIV測試結果不得超過叁個月;
  • 現有護照之核證副本,包括以下信息:姓名、相片、市民身份/國籍、簽發地點及日期、到期日、護照號碼及簽發國家。
  • 身份證之核證副本。
  • 陸張申請者最近陸個月內拍攝的符合護照規格的照片。
  • 出生記錄摘錄原件或者出生證明之核證副本。(出生證明文件需包含父母信息,或者戶口簿,家庭情況信息簿等)
  • 由申請者國籍地警察機關及過去10年內曾居住1年以上的國家出示的證明書原件(有足夠證據證明從未居住於該國除外)。證明書須在提交申請前陸個月內作出。
  • 以下表格及文件僅需由主申請人提供:
  • ~投資確認函/信託付款協議(C4-S或C4-R表格)及蔗糖基金款項已存入托管帳戶的確認書。同時,若涉及C4-R表格,需提供已簽署之不動產買賣合同。
  • ~由國際認可的銀行於陸個月之內出具的資信證明函原件壹份。
  • ~陸個月之內簽發之專業推薦信原件壹份(例如,來自律師,國際公證人,註冊會計師或其它類似專業組織)。
  • 若夫妻雙方壹併提出申請,需提供如下資料::
  • ~結婚記錄摘錄原件或者結婚證書核證副本。(若適用)
  • ~離婚證書核證副本。(若適用)





IMMIGRATION TO St. Kitts & Nevis


St. Kitts & Nevis is one of those countries where one can obtain a citizenship basis of an investment and/or a direct contribution to the state as a means of development of the country. Citizens of St. Kitts & Nevis are allowed to hold dual citizenship, and the acquisition of citizenship is not reported to other countries.

St. Kitts and Nevis, also known in the country's constitution as Saint Christopher and Nevis, has been independent since 1983 and forms part of the group of islands known as the Lesser Antilles, located some 2,000 km to the southeast of Miami. The Federation comprises two islands: Nevis with an area of some 93.2 km2 and St. Kitts with 168.4 km2. The official and business language is English. The Federation is a member of the United Nations (UN), of the Organization of American States (OAS), the British Commonwealth and many other international organizations. The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank has its headquarters on St. Kitts. It maintains the stability of the Eastern Caribbean Dollar (EC$), which is the national currency of most eastern Caribbean countries and is tied to the US Dollar. The head of state is the Queen of England. St. Kitts and Nevis is a well functioning democracy based on the British parliamentary system.


Citizenship Program

The Citizenship Program of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis was established in 1984, it mandates applicants to make a standard investment to the economic contribution to the country which is approved and recognised by the government. Such an investment guarantees the applicant and his family with a citizenship in St. Kitts and Nevis.

The regulations regarding citizenship-by-investment in St. Kitts & Nevis are contained in Part II, Section 3 (5) of the Citizenship Act, 1984. The Government determines, by Cabinet Decisions, which projects and which amounts of investment shall qualify as a "substantial investment" and thus lead to eligibility under the Citizenship-by -Investment Program.

When you acquire citizenship under the St. Kitts & Nevis citizenship program, you and your family enjoy full citizenship. As citizens of St. Kitts & Nevis, you and your family are issued with passports which allow visa-free travel to more than 100 countries worldwide, including the entire EU.

Citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis can take up residence in St. Kitts & Nevis as well as in most of the CARICOM member countries at any time and for any length of time. You are not liable for taxation, even if you decide to reside in St. Kitts & Nevis, as there are no direct taxes.

As a Commonwealth citizen, you receive certain preferential treatment in the United Kingdom. For example, your children may enter the United Kingdom to study without first having to apply for student visas. After studying, they may work in the United Kingdom for two years without needing a work permit.

How to qualify for St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by investment?

To qualify for this program, the applicant must make either an investment in one of the approved real-estate developments in addition to paying government fees, other fees and taxes;


The applicant may make a donation to the Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF).

Investment in real-estate program

To qualify for citizenship under the real estate option, the government requires applicants to make an investment in designated officially approved real estate plus the payment of government fees and other fees and taxes. As the application procedure under this option involves the purchase of real estate, this can lengthen the processing time depending on the chosen property.

A list of approved real-estate developments is published on the website of the Citizenship-by-Investment Unit of the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis. Our professionally dedicated team can actually advise you the better properties with the kind of investment you may have in mind.

The real estate cannot be re-sold until 5 years after the purchase, and after that will qualify the next buyer for citizenship.

Citizenship by contribution to the SGF

Acquisition of citizenship under the SGF option requires a contribution to the Sustainable Growth Fund. The contribution is in the form of a one-time payment, and there are four different categories:

1.Single applicant;

2.Applicant with up to three dependants (i.e. spouse and two children below the age of 18);

3.Applicant with up to five dependants (i.e. one spouse and four children);

4.Applicant with seven and more dependants.

In each of these categories, the contribution amount includes all government and due diligence fees. The documentation required for an application is reasonable and the application procedure is straightforward. The average processing time under the SGF option is 3 - 4 months. But with an additional fee involved we can speed up the procedure and get the passport within 60 days.

List of Documents

The following is an overview of the key documents and forms required. Please note that if you would like to proceed with an application, we will need to prepare the application documents and all necessary forms for you.

The following forms and documents are required from each applicant, including children:

  • Photograph and Signature Certificate (Form C2).
  • Medical Certificate (Form C3) including original results of an HIV test (an HIV test is required for all persons applying for citizenship, including children). The HIV test results must be not older than 3 months.
  • Certified copy of your current passport(s) showing name, photo, citizenship/nationality, date and place of issue, expiry date, passport number and issuing country.
  • Certified copy of your current national identity card(s).
  • Six original passport-size photos of yourself taken within the past 6 months.
  • Original excerpt of full birth record or certified copy of full birth certificate (i.e. a birth document that also includes your parent's details, or a household register, family book etc.).
  • Original police certificate(s) from country of citizenship (unless you can provide satisfactory evidence that you have never lived there) and from any country where you have lived more than 1 year over the past 10 years. Police certificates must be less than six months old at the time you lodge your application.
  • The following forms and documents are required only once from the main applicant:
  • ~Investment Confirmation / Escrow Agreement (Form C4-S or C4-R) and confirmation of funds having been wired to an escrow account. Also, in the case of Form C4-R, a copy of the executed real-estate contract.
  • ~One original bank reference letter issued by an internationally recognized bank, not older than 6 months.
  • ~One original professional reference (e.g. from an attorney, notary public, chartered accountant or other professional of similar standing), not older than 6 months.
  • The following documents are required only if applicable, i.e. if married persons apply together:
  • ~Original excerpt of marriage record or certified copy of marriage certificate(s) (if applicable).
  • ~Certified copy of divorce document(s) (if applicable).

Fees and Costs

Our professional fees totally depend on whether applicant is interested in real-estate or SGF and also the number of applicants at one time.

We require our clients to make payment of a retainer fee, a complete set of required forms as well as an application guide with detailed explanations regarding all forms and documents will be prepared and sent to you by courier. Your documents will only be delivered by courier, and all courier charges are included in our fees.

To proceed, to receive further information on the program or to arrange a private consultation please contact one of our immigration specialist today.


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