Money Concepts Asset Management Limited 





於 1979 年約翰‧華茲創辦美國萬利理財國際集團,他意識到金融服務業分銷系統的不足而決定創立新公司解決這問題。他因而創立了美國萬利先機商業系統,用於美國萬利理財策劃中心,讓以社區為中心的金融機構、稅務專家及理財顧問,以系統化的方式向客戶提供全面的理財策劃及財富管理服務。



加拿大萬利理財於2001 年被荷蘭全球人壽集團收購。時至今日加拿大萬利理財是加拿大最大的理財策劃服務公司,由 Investia Financial Services Inc. 全資所持有。而 Investia Financial Services Inc. 是 Industrial Alliance Insurance & Financial Services Inc. 全資擁有的附屬公司。Industrial Alliance 為愈 3 百萬加拿大人提供金融服務,僱用愈 3,300位僱員,管理愈 510 億美元資產,並於多倫多股票市場上市(編號:IAG),為加拿大 100 間最大的公司之壹。


萬利理財助您-從現在的資產到未來的資產 從傳統的智慧到現代的智慧

2000 年張佩儀發現在亞洲地區,財富管理概念並未廣泛應用,因此她率先引入美國萬利理財的品牌到亞洲,於 2010 年獲擢升為美國萬利理財亞洲區總裁,帶領公司於亞洲,尤其大中華地區,推廣美國萬利理財獨特的理財概念。美國萬利理財控股秉持致力為每位客戶提供專業理財服務的信念,享負盛名,並成為本港最大的理財顧問公司之壹

證監會持牌法團: 美國萬利資產管理有限公司 (BEW231)    

Money Concepts is a global financial institution with rich history in the wealth management business of more than 40 years.  

Money Concepts Asset Management is part of the worldwide network of Financial Planning Centers under Money Concepts, keyed to individual, family and business financial planning. It is your global investment partner. 

Money Concepts International Incorporation was founded in 1979. John P. Walsh, founder of Money Concepts, recognized major weaknesses in the distribution systems of the financial services industry, and dedicated his new company to solving these problems. Mr. Walsh created a “turnkey” Money Concepts Financial Planning Center that allowed community based financial institutions, tax professionals and financial planners, a structured way to offer their clients and customers holistic financial planning and wealth management solutions. 

Money Concepts is a privately held company completely no influence of product providers. Today, there are more than 700 Money Concepts Planning Centers throughout North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim.


Money Concepts Canada

Money Concepts Canada was acquired by the AEGON Group in 2001. Today, Money Concepts Canada is the largest franchised financial planning company and is wholly owned by Investia Financial Services Inc., a subsidiary of Industrial Alliance Insurance & Financial Services Inc. Industrial Alliance contributes to the financial wellbeing of over 4 million Canadians, employs more than 4,800 people, manages and administers over $12.7 billion in assets. Industrial Alliance is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol IAG. Industrial Alliance is among the 100 largest public companies in Canada.