Money Concepts Asset Management Limited 











「假如您有美元 $50,000 作投資用途,您宜聘請壹個用非傭金收費模式的理財顧問,理財顧問會為您作定期組合評估及資產配置,為您的利益著想,而並非為求賺取傭金。

美國證券交易委員會前任主席 Arthur Levitt 

1. 與客戶建立長久互信的關係

2. 為您的財富增值 

3. 提供更全面的投資建議


Fee-Based is a fixed percent of management fee. No commission will be charged. The concept of fee-based compensation was once introduced from the developed Western countries. 

Nowadays, about 25% of CFPs are commission-only, 23% are fee-based, 41% are using the combination of fee and commission) and the remaining 11% receive their compensation through salary or some other method Fee Based Investment Advisor works solely for their clients' best interest. They do not accept commission or receive any compensation for recommending specific products. This enables clients to receive investment recommendation from their Investment Advisors. Some of the advantages of using Fee-Based account are identified as followed:

"If you have more than $50,000 to invest, you should fire your broker and find an investment advisor. Brokerage firms would like you to think they perform the same functions as investments advisors.” “Financial planners …submit their work to peer review and are not supposed to charge anything but a fee ”

Former Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman
Arthur Levitt

1. A Life Relationship with Clients
The advisor fee will be directly proportional to client's total asset value, therefore conflict of interest between financial advisors and their clients could be minimized, result in a win-win situation for long term relationship. They will help their client to formulate highly personalized investment strategies based on their investment goals and pre-determined risk.

2. Maximizes Wealth 
You can enjoy the freedom of fund switching without commission. This offers you flexibility. You can make your fund portfolio strategically geared towards the latest market conditions to enhance your overall portfolio performance.

3. Comprehensive Advice 
The advantage of fee-based charging structure is to minimize any conflict of interest between financial advisors and their clients. Under this charging structure, financial advisor will tailor-made investment portfolio for their clients through effective asset allocation, diversification, regular rebalancing and fund selection.