Money Concepts Asset Management Limited 

WHY MC 為何萬利戶口


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美國萬利理財私人戶口是壹個高端及國際性的財富管理體制,提供壹站式的專業金融服務。所有財富戶口以客戶名義開設,並且直接由美國紐約梅隆銀行的全資附屬公司 Pershing LLC 以客戶個人身份託管包括執行投資指示、結算及託管帳戶內的金融資產,並向客戶提供估值及綜合報表。


ü 多元化貨幣選

ü 表現卓越的世界級投

ü 多元化基金類別達致有效分散投

ü 提供充足資產保障令您安枕無

ü 可選定期派息助您投資增

ü 受益人服務安排,更多權益保

ü 完善的售後服

ü 專家意見穩健您的投資回

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ü 客戶於 Pershing  LLC 所開設之美國萬利私人財富戶口均由美國證券投資者資產保障公司 (SIPC) 提供 50 萬美元資產保

ü SIPC  1970 年在美國國會的法令下成立,以保障投資者資

ü  SIPC 所提供的資產保障之外,投資者資產更可獲得由多間保險公司組成的保險公司團隊提供總計 10 億美元的資產保



美國證券投資者保護公司(Securities Investor Protection Corporation,以下簡稱SIPC)作為第壹道防線,以應對證券商出現財務困難或破產,導致無法償付客戶透過該證券商購買的證券或支付的現金的情況。儘管並不是每壹個投資者都受到該基金的保護,但超過99%的投資者都能夠透過SIPC索回他們的投資資產。自1970年成立直至2016年12月,期間SIPC共預付了26億美元,為大約773,000位投資者提供了價值1376億美元的保障。










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Why Choose Money Concepts Wealth Account

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Independent financial advisors team offer you Professional Private Wealth Advisory Service, Formulate the most reliable financial portfolio for you


Money Concepts Private Wealth Advisory Account  is an advance and international wealth management platform system. . All accounts in Money Concepts Private Wealth Account are under the clients’ own name, in custody and segregated into individual by Pershing LLC, a subsidiary of Bank of New York Mellon.  It provides dealing, clearing and custodial services for most financial instruments. It also provides valuation and consolidated statement to clients

Why Choose Money Concepts Private  Wealth Advisory Account

· Freedom of Portfolio Switching

· Multi currency account offer

· Access to World Class Top Performance Investment Products    

· Optimize your Wealth through Diversification

· Investors' Protection Peace of Mind 

· Dividend Payout adds value to your Investment 

· Beneficiary service available

· Comprehensive Customer Service

· Expert portfolio manager helps to achieve your targeted return

Securities Investor Protection Corporation

The Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) protects customers if their brokerage firm fails.


ü SIPC provides up to US$500,000 of protection for each Money Concepts Private Wealth Advisory account, which opens under Pershing LLC

ü SIPC was established in 1970 under the instruction of U.S. Senate to protect investors’ assets

ü For coverage in excess SIPC limits, investor asset are insured up to US$1 billion by a group of insurance companies 


When a brokerage is closed and customer assets are missing, SIPC steps in and, within certain limits, works to return customers’ cash, stock, and other securities held at the fi rm. SIPC is the first line of defense when a brokerage firm fails owing customers cash and securities.


Although not every investor is protected by SIPC, no fewer than 99 percent of persons who are eligible get back their investments. Since its creation by Congress in 1970, SIPC has advanced over $2.3 billion in order to make possible the recovery of at least $134 billion in assets for no fewer than 773,000 investors. Without SIPC, investors at financially troubled brokerage firms might lose their investments forever.


Not every investor, and not every loss, is protected by SIPC.


When a brokerage firm is closed and customer assets are missing, SIPC steps in, and within certain limits, works to return customers’ cash, stock, and other securities held by the firm. If a firm closes, SIPC protects the securities and cash in a customer’s brokerage account up to $500,000.  The $500,000 protection includes up to $250,000 protection for cash in the account. SIPC protects customers if:


• The brokerage firm is a SIPC member.

•  The customer has securities at the brokerage firm.

• The customer has cash at the brokerage firm on deposit in connection with the purchase or sale of a security.


SIPC protection is only available if the brokerage firm fails and SIPC steps in.


SIPC does NOT protect:

• Investments if the firm is not a SIPC member.

• Market loss.

• Promises of investment performance.

• Commodities or futures contracts except under certain conditions.


SIPC does not protect market losses because market losses are a normal part of the ups and downs of the risk-oriented world of investing. Instead, in a liquidation, SIPC  replaces the missing stock and other securities when it is possible to do so.